
There is no consensus on one model or explanation of what dreams are, how they happen, and what their purpose is if anything.

Current popular neurological theories include your brain fires randomly at the "pons" which is kinda in by your brain stem and this causes firing all over the brain. Firing causes you to experience things even when you're sleeping.

Psychological approaches to dreams find practical uses in their implications of the subconscious. Some believe perhaps some dreams could be simulated scenarios in which the brain prepares itself for future outcomes. Or perhaps you're just sleepy and stuff you're scared of surfaces when you sleep. There is no reason that dreams must be profound windows into our mind, although there is quite a lot of support and anecdotal evidence that our dreams can be meaningful representations of crucial thoughts our mind feels we must address.

The exact mechanism of how dreams are created isn't really understood, or why it might have an evolutionary advantage. The exact mechanism of thought itself in the brain isn't understood at all. There are many many theories and explanations and we just don't know the answer yet.

Furthermore, studies have shown that the parts of the brain responsible for REM sleep and dreaming are in fact separate! These two things were always associated with each other due to the fact that people seemed to dream during REM (rapid eye movement) stages of sleep. However, it's important to remember that we really only have a vague understanding of how brain regions interconnect and communicate.

There are a lot of fringier explanations out there that delve into philosophy and metaphysics because dreams are inherently related to consciousness, which is a phenomenon we still don't understand neurologically.


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